Go to and click LOGIN on the menu website 

Go to click LOGIN

Click ‘Pupil Portal Login’ 

Click Pupil Portal Login

Enter the Class ID received from your teacher and a unique username. 

Enter the Class ID

Click Register (next time you sign in you can just click Login) to get access to the Zeeko Pupil Portal 

Click Register

Here you can access the digital resources for all the Zeeko programmes you are going to be doing in class 

Access the digital resources

Click Magical Leaders 

Click Magical Leaders

In the Magical Leaders dashboard, you can complete the pre and post assessment survey, access the digital workbooks and access the virtual world 

Complete the pre and post assessment survey

Before you start the programme with your class, click ‘Pre Assessment Survey’ 

Pre Assessment Survey

Answer the questions and click submit 

Answer the questions

Click ‘Resources’ 

Click Resources

Here you can learn all about the Magical Leaders mission and characters 

Here you can learn

Choose the challenge you are about to start with your class 

Choose the challenge

Here you can learn about the challenge and view the Magical Leaders workbooks 

View the Magical Leaders workbooks

Click ‘Magical Leaders Game’ 

Click Magical Leaders Game

Here you can access the virtual world for each lesson 

Access the virtual world

There are 6 lessons in total, each with its own virtual world. There is also a tutorial available for you to learn how to use the game 

6 lessons in total

When your class completes a lesson, they earn a collectible 

Completes a lesson

Select which collectibles you have already earned and click 'NEXT’ 

Select earned collectibles

Read through the pages and answer the true and false questions with your class 

Answer the true and false

Click Go to Wild West 

Click Go to Wild West 

When you have completed all six challenges with your class, log back into the Magical Leaders dashboard and click ‘Post Assessment Survey’ 

Post Assessment Survey

Answer the questions and click 'Submit’ to see how much you have learned 

Click Submit