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7 Benefits of Coding for Kids and Students
Coding is becoming increasingly popular among Irish children. Have a read of this guest article by Holly Clark from US based Codakid.com on the benefits of coding! For kids to appreciate how the modern technology operates, there is a need to introduce them to coding. Most kids are living in a world where technology…
Appyness Online: A New Frontier in Peer Led Education!
Here at Zeeko, we provide our subscribers with a weekly blog offering advice and tips for parents to enhance and improve their knowledge of internet safety and how to best manage their children’s time online. Our blog this week tells you all you need to know about Appyness Online a new way for children…
Protecting Children Online: The Role of Social Media Companies
There has been a lot of focus on the protection of children when they are online over the last number of weeks in Ireland, in light of the imprisonment of Mathew Horan. It is of course every adults’ responsibility to keep children safe online and that includes parents, teachers, grandparents and carers. There is of…
Create, Connect and Share Respect: Safer Internet Day 2018!
The theme for this year’s International Safer Internet Day was: Create Connect and Share Respect: A Safer Internet Starts with you. As the name suggests the aim of the day, which took place earlier this week is to encourage users of the internet, particularly young people to use the internet safely and responsibly. So…
The Zeeko Digital Trend Report 2017: What Irish Kids are Doing Online!
It is likely you have seen or heard coverage in the media this week of the findings of our most recent research at Zeeko, the findings reveal what Irish children are doing when they are online, their social media platforms of choice and what digital devices kids are using to interact with others, both…
Zeeko Digital Trend Report 2017: The Results
It is likely you have seen or heard coverage in the media this week of the findings of our most recent research at Zeeko, the findings reveal what Irish children are doing when they are online, their social media platforms of choice and what digital devices kids are using to interact with others, both people…
Meet our Zeeko Presenter: Kirsty Park
This week we profile Zeeko presenter Kirsty Park. Kirsty is an Irish Research Council funded PhD researcher in Communications at DCU. She has worked as a lecturer and taught coding workshops for Transition Year students. We talk to Kirsty about her role with Zeeko visiting schools throughout the country to help keep kids safe online!…
Meet Our Zeeko Presenter: Davina Brady
We are incredibly lucky to have a fantastic team of presenters working with Zeeko. We thought you might like to know more about them! So, over the next few months we will be profiling each of our presenters, where they will share their expertise and experience of delivering our internet safety message in schools throughout…
Zeeko Education Welcomes Cyber Safe Ireland 2017 Annual Report
Cyber Safe Ireland today released its 2017 Annual Report The Report highlights: 16% of children surveyed spent in excess of 4 hours online a day. 32% of children have either never spoken to their parents/ guardians about online safety or have not done so in the last year. Almost 70% of teachers surveyed reported that they do…
Safer Internet Day 2017- Be the Change: Unite for a Safer Internet
Safer Internet Day is an annual event to promote responsible use of the internet and encourage all citizens to be conscious of how they use the internet. This year Safer Internet Day takes place on 7th February and will be an opportunity to remind children throughout Ireland about the fantastic opportunities that the…
Every Primary School in Ireland will get a Digital Copy of the Zeeko Internet Safety Guide!
The first week in January 2016 was an exciting one for Zeeko, as we launched our crowdfunding campaign with a target of raising €5,000 to enable us to put a Digital copy of the Zeeko Internet Safety Guide, into every primary school in Ireland. We are absolutely delighted that we reached our target, within three…