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Age Appropriate Games

One of the issues we come across regularly at both our Academy’s with primary school children and our seminars with parents is the area of age appropriate ratings on games. As it draws closer to Christmas and children are asking for specific presents and parents are busy buying them, we thought it would be a […]

Using the Internet for Education with your Kids – The Do’s a

  A Report published by the OECD in September 2015, into the use of ICT in education, produced a finding that schools have yet to take advantage of the potential of technology in the classroom.(http://www.oecd.org/education/new-approach-needed-to-deliver-on-technologys-potential-in-schools.htm). As a parent you can encourage your child to take advantage of technology to contribute to their learning. At Zeeko we […]

Safety First

Children can easily stumble across adult advertising, sexually explicit images or violent content while online. This can be a frightening thought for parents. However, it is relatively easy to prevent by setting up safety settings on your child’s device. There is no technical solution that can 100% safeguard your child online but here are a couple […]
